I work with adult individuals and couples from a psychodynamic perspective, or the psychological forces that underlie human behaviour, feelings, and emotions and how they might relate to early experience. The goal is to enable my clients to develop positive and effective ways of coping and build solid emotional intelligence, with the ability to apply the skills/insights gleaned from therapy to other areas of their lives and their relationships. In addition to individual/couples counselling and psychotherapy, I offer consulting services to organizations and businesses who are coping with a crisis or loss. More information on that here.
My Training
I hold a Masters degree in Social Work from Wilfrid Laurier University and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Psychology from McMaster University. I also have a post-graduate diploma in Child Life from McMaster health Sciences. In 2019 I completed my clinical training in the Trauma Therapy program and Reproductive Life Stages program at Women’s College Hospital where I put into practice my theoretical framework and therapeutic modalities.
I am passionate about my commitment to self-study and continue to expand my awareness by attending conferences and workshops where I further my understanding. I have also presented extensively at national and international conferences on various psychosocial oncology topics including how to talk to kids about cancer, sexulaity and body image, death and dying, traumatic grief, care-giver compassion fatigue and using meaning-making interventions with cancer patients and narrative interventions with young adults. For more on my consulting work and publications here.
Professional Affiliations
Registered Member of the College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers
Member of the Canadian Association of Social Workers
Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association
Member of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology